how to get to the red valley?

The Red Valley is located 3 hours away from Cusco, just behind the famous Rainbow mountain, in the Pitumarca district.

The best way to explore this dream-like scenery is through a tour operator, that will guide you along this spectacular hike.

Before hiking the Red Valley, it is best to acclimatise for a couple of days in Cusco, due to its high elevation of 5,200 meters. I recommend also taking Sorochi medicaments (against altitude sickness) 12 hours before starting the trek.

Visiting the Rainbow Mountain and Red Valley is something that you can complete on a full-day tour from Cusco. Bear in mind that for entering the Red Valley you will need to pay an entrance fee to the communities.



  • There is a 10-soles entrance fee for anyone entering the park, about 3 USD.

  • When you continue the hike to the Red Valley the entrance fee is 20 Soles - 5 USD.


  • Wherever possible, ask for permission. If you want to take some pics or make a small movie that will include people and their surroundings, ask if it’s ok with them. Generally speaking, it is not so easy to fly a drone in Peru, due to its strict rules and many archaeological sites.

  • If you want to fly the drone in the Rainbow mountains you must get permission from the local communities, but they let you fly the drone for 5 soles and only for 5 minutes.

  • In the Red Valley, it is easier to drone since the people in the communities are more flexible. However, also here you have to bribe them. For 10 soles they let you fly for how long you want but only in that area since the other valleys are controlled by other communities.


  • Very important to take with you sun cream with high protection at least 50-90 SPF, because the sun is extremely strong due to the high elevation.

  • Sunglasses, because it’s very windy and the terrain is sandy.

  • Water, at least 1 litre.

  • Warm clothes: I recommend a warm sweater with a Poncho and a hat to prevent the rays of the sun.

  • Sorochi pills: a medicament against altitude sickness. (It is recommended to take it every 12 hours and at least 5 hours before reaching the trail’s starting point).


  • The best time to visit Rainbow Mountain and Red Valley is between March and November. The weather changes drastically in this particular region. Between January and February, you can expect heavy rain and snowfall.

  • The Red Valley is expected to have low temperatures throughout the year. Even if it is sunny, you will need to prepare yourself for the cold, so dress appropriately, wear a poncho and you can’t go wrong.

  • I visited the Valleys at the end of November and it was the ideal time: not many tourists because it was low season and the climate was perfect!

my experience

I explored the Rainbow Mountains (also called Vinicunca) & the Red Valley with a private tour company from Cusco named QORIANKA TOURS.

This has been my favourite guided tour in South America, so I absolutely recommend it!

The tour price was 100 USD/pax including transportation, breakfast, lunch and a private guide, an incredible deal for what you get!

The day started at 4 am, when we left Cusco and drove for two hours to get to the breakfast place, where we ate all kinds of delicious Peruvian fruits.

Hiking the Rainbow mountain takes two hours, it is not so hard but that will depend on your physical condition and how your body reacts to the altitude. The first part of the hike is flat only the last half an hour gets steep, but you will get completely rewarded by the incredible views!

During the high season, the Rainbow Mountain receives more than 1,500 visitors per day, becoming one of the most popular destinations in Cusco. However, if you continue the hike for 30 minutes (on the left side of Vinicunca) you will get to a hidden gem called the Red Valley.

why are these mountains so colourful?

Also known as Valle Rojo, this vast martian landscape feels like trekking on another planet. The reds and oranges that rise in every direction are truly breathtaking sights. My jaw dropped as I took my first few steps onto this alien terrain. To add to this hot colour palette is a beautifully cooling contrast of greens and greys, where vegetation grows in what is surely an impossible soil.

In my opinion, the landscape in Valle Rojo is a lot more impressive than the famous Vinicunca, also because you are at a higher elevation and you get a 360° view.

From the top, you can admire the painted mountains that are nothing like you’ve seen before. The sediment of minerals creates the particular colouration found in the valley and the red and green tones are caused by the presence of iron-rich soil.

meet the local communities

When tourists visit Peruvian’s most famous attractions, they have to pay a small entrance fee to the local communities. The amount usually varies between 2-6 USD.

In the picture, you see Pacho — a local that lives in the Red Valley and every day he hikes for three hours (one way) just to get a 2 USD entrance fee, the only way to support his community.

In Vinicunca, a different community controls the area, and since it's more touristic than the Red Valley, they are struggling less economically than Pacho’s village. A reason more to visit this beautiful valley, with a small gesture you can help the local community that depends on this less-known attraction.