The lost city - Colombia’s Machu Picchu


The Ciudad Perdida or the Lost City of Teyuna is a mythical archaeological site in the heart of the Colombian jungle where respect for the natives and nature is at the forefront!

The Lost City is located in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. It was founded between the 7th and 8th centuries by the indigenous Tayrona community, who considered the Sierra Nevada as the centre of the world. Its population consisted of about 2,000 to 8,000 people.

Today, this place is declared a Biosphere Reserve and World Heritage Site by UNESCO. The construction has remained almost intact, which demonstrates the expertise in architecture that the Tayronas had. The location and size of the houses were determined by social status and the leader of the community was called mamo.

the indigenous communities

The Kogis Indians are direct descendants of the Tayronas. Today, there are about 10,000 of them living in the National Reserve. To this day they consider the Sierra Nevada as mother nature and they live in harmony with the wilderness.

Often described as shy and reserved, they are keen to pass on their culture and way of life to the few who venture to the Lost City. They want to teach us the importance of nature and our relationship with others. The Kogi live by farming, they live simply and collectively. The 'Mamo' in this community, has a very important role because he is the spiritual guide and the intermediary between the celestial forces and the community. The Kogi Indians speak their own language, Kawgian, but some can also communicate in Spanish.

How to visit the Ciudad Perdida?

You must know that its access is deserved: the Lost City is only accessible on foot and it will take you between 4 and 6 days to complete this trek, and 1200 steps await you on the last day!  However, these efforts will be rewarded!

It is possible to visit the Lost City only with a local guide, you can book a tour from Santa Marta and the cost will be around 350 USD/pax including meals and accommodation for 4 nights.

On the way to the Lost City, you can enjoy the magnificent view of the Sierra Nevada while crossing the Buritaca river. You can observe coffee and cocoa plantations, and dreamlike waterfalls.

This tour is an authentic experience where you can connect with nature and the indigenous culture. You’ll be able to learn about the customs and traditions of the native community and how they are able to live self-sufficiently in harmony with nature.


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Visit Tayrona, Colombia's natural wonder