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Hi I’m Alessia! I created BohLand to help people to find the confidence to travel the world.

On this site, you’ll find countless resources from travel guides to solo-travelling tips.
Be sure to subscribe to my newsletter. Happy exploring!



Where do you want to go? There are incredible destinations around the world and I’ve shared helpful tips after travelling to over 30 countries & 6 continents! If you’re interested in taking that dream trip into less-known corners of the globe, and you need some inspiration to pick which destination is right for you, check out some of my top bucket list experiences for all types of travellers!



It can be hard to know where to start when planning your dream trip. What’s the first step? What website can you trust? What if the unexpected happens? Planning a trip can be overwhelming if you just started, or If you are travelling by yourself. Here, you can find handy tips & recommendations on your chase for new adventures.

✈︎ How do I plan a trip? - Tips for first time solo travellers

✈︎ My favourite travel planning websites

✈︎ Q&A - I answer the most frequently asked questions as a solo-traveller


Travellers don’t need a lot of gear on the road. However, since investing in new travel gear can become expensive, and making a mistake can lead to wasting money by buying the wrong gear, this section will help you to choose the right equipment when going on an adventure. You will find my favourite photography & travel kit that I always take with me when I’m exploring new places.

✈︎ My travel-photography gear

✈︎ ‘Must have’ for an adventure in nature


Travelling is the best life lesson. Challenges are always around the corner, and you’ll find the most meaningful connections when you less expect. By travelling you become a storyteller, with experiences that you can’t wait to share. Here, you’ll find my craziest adventures & life experiences, that taught me the most & opened my eyes.

✈︎ Why I left Italy for the Arctic? Life in the Northernmost point of Europe

✈︎ The day I met Pablo Escobar’s Brother in Colombia

✈︎ What it’s like to work for a Luxury 6* Hotel?

✈︎ Is Machu Picchu worth the hype? The truth behind one of the World Seven Wonders

✈︎ 6 memorable experiences in Bolivia, the land of extremes


I’ve stayed in different accommodations and I’ve tried all kinds of cuisines. However, there are only a few special places that still remained etched in my memory after a long time. Here, you will find my favourite Hotels & Restaurants that I absolutely recommend you to try!

✈︎ The best Café in Laos

✈︎ Living in a bamboo house on the rice fields in Vietnam

✈︎ Stay in a B&B with the alpacas in the Sacred Valley, Peru


Are you interested in working together? Feel free to browse around and discover a bit more about me & what I have been working on. Above all, do not hesitate to reach out and remember…

No idea is too crazy or big for me.